please, distribute this information to your colleagues and please display
poster and brochure on the notice board in your institution.
The ?§Cattedra di Medicina Legale?? (legal medicine department) of the
Magna Graecia University in Catanzaro (Italy) together with Legal Medicine
ASL TO2 of Turin (Italy) would like to announce the first symposium
concerning underwater criminal investigation.
?§H2O Criminalistics & Pathology Symposium??
Magna Graecia University
18-21 November 2010
The aim of this symposium is to attract scientists and law enforcement
agents that have been involved in crime scenes in water.
It is envisaged from the expertise that is expected to attend this
symposium that the topics will include:
?{ the location and recovery of an immersed corpse (protocols and equipment)
?{ causes and time of death (forensic pathology, toxicology, anthropology,
taphonomy, botany, limnology, microbiology and zoology)
?{ identification of the death scene (botany, toxicology)
?{ personal identification (anthropology, fingerprints and molecular
Following each session a discussion encompassing case studies will ensue.
As well special sessions will be organised on mass disaster in water and
underwater archaeology.
Some of the invited speakers include FBI Underwater Crime Scene
Investigation and anthropology specialists, American and European forensic
water experts and Pathologists and Italian Police groups involved in
cases when humans are found dead in water.
The intent of this Symposium is to further our understanding of human
remains recovery in water and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
current research in the numerous scientific disciplines associated with
crime scenes in water.
Brochure and Poster of the Symposium in attachment.
For further information:
[email protected]
(+39) 347 - 14.16.900
Prof. Pietrantonio Ricci
President of the Simposium
Prof. Giulio Di Mizio
Dott.ssa Paola Magni